We Support

LinkedIn Local Basingstoke: Helping to Support Citizens Advice Basingstoke

Citizens Advice Basingstoke

We are lucky to have had a Citizens Advice in Basingstoke since 1961. That’s 57 years of consistent trusted information and advice, easily spreading across three generations for some families.

Would you like to make even more of a difference? Then why not join (what we know at first hand is) the friendly team of volunteers at Citizens Advice Basingstoke?

If you or someone you know may be interested, get in touch today! Pop into the Discovery Centre and talk to them.


We were delighted when we told that LinkedIn Local Basingstoke had chosen to help to support our charity. A lot of people believe that we are sponsored by the Government, in reality we are an independent charity and have to raise our own funds to keep the service running. Our research found that 4 in 5 people we help had experienced a big life change before asking for our help - nearly half reporting a change in their health condition.

Nine in ten people reported that the problem affected their lives, including financial difficulties making managing day to day life harder.

Many people who contact us have more then one issue and in 2017/18 we dealt with 22,874 issues for the 14293 people who sought our help. If anyone would like to further support Citizens Advice Basingstoke please get in touch.

"Many people report a change
in their health before they
contact us
for help"

"in reality we are an
independent charity
and have to raise our
own funds"

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