LinkedInLocal Globally

What is LinkedInLocal?

We are excited to announce LinkedInlocal has officially been recognised by LinkedIn

LinkedInLocal was born out of an idea to meet the people behind the profiles and providing a space for everyone to belong. It ended up being so much more than that over time and became a global community based on authenticity, diversity, collaboration, and respect.
What has been achieved in just under two years is phenomenal. From 18 people meeting on the first day to becoming a community that have grown together to 90 countries, 650+ cities, on boarded 1000+ hosts, raised $100,000+ for charity and impacted millions of individuals and local communities.

Connecting Humans

It’s a meetup concept originally created by Anna McAfee with the purpose to meet the online LinkedIn connections face-to-face, offline.

It was then developed by Erik Eklund, Alexandra Galviz and Manu Goswami who added themes, speaker panels and workshop elements with The Purpose to unite people from all walks of life, in one facilitated event, to genuinely get to know the humans behind the LinkedIn profiles, and connect beyond the job titles, business cards and company names.

Why should you attend?

To network in person to meet people for no other reason than getting to know them on a truly personal level, and letting them get to know you, to inspire, motivate and grow each other collectively.

Who is this for?

Anyone and everyone curious, interested or passionate about taking networking to a whole other level.

“Who you meet can change your life”
- Erik Eklund

How is an event organized?

The overall focus is to create an environment and facilitate a conversation around a human topic that allows for high interaction between the participants, where they can get to know each other on a personal level.

#linkedinlocal Basingstoke meetings are held after work at a local pub are popular without being unmanageable. Having worked with the venue for their quietest evening our meetings last just 2 hours, we have the flexibility of having an easy social evening over a drink or a meal periodically. They are informal and friendly.

Alex Galviz joined us on our 2nd meeting with CEO of Basingstoke Citizens Advice on the next. We can invite guest speakers or no-one. We charge via Eventbrite, enough to cover a free soft drink or tea or coffee with a little bit to cover other expenses and the rest to a charity of our choosing.

Obviously if there is a charge for the venue, you have to build that into the cost; you may be able to get local companies to either sponsor the event or allow you to use their premises.


There is always support offered from other Linkedinlocal groups, reach out if you are thinking of starting one in your area.
"What we've learned from LinkedIn Local is that humans have a deep desire to truly connect, so that's what we aim to achieve with #linkedinlocal LocalX, extending the reach beyond LinkedIn."
Annie McAfee: Co-Founder of #LinkedIn Local
“My Linkedin Local family:
Our hosts all around the world, you are way too many to list now, but your giving of time, knowledge and love for the cause continues to inspire me every single day.”
Alexandra Galviz (Authentic Alex) #LinkedIn Local Co-Creator
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