Membership Plus Members

Find a local company, a contact or service who regularly joins us at LinkedIn Local Basingstoke

About Memberships

There are several Membership types, which may change over time to suit the memberships needs.

Normal Members

We see a variety of people and businesses from different sectors and encourage you to book your seat at our next meeting. We are inclusive to everyone.

Whether you are someone looking for your next opportunity, job or business you are welcome to join us. To give an example, our visitors regularly include, Coaches, Professional Speakers, HR Consultants, Virtual Assistants, Freelancers, Trainers, Estate Planners, Hypnotherapists, Marketeers, Website Designers, IT Specialists, Builders & Network Marketers. There is no one person per category, all we ask is that when you visit you are willing to take part.

Subscribing Members

You are invited to join us as a subscribing member where you and your business have the chance to have increased visibility.

Choose either Membership Plus or Enhanced Membership Plus to better promote your business, increase your credibility and increase the number of people seeing your business.


Join Professional or budding speakers at our meetings, talk for between 10 - 20 minutes about your chosen subject, give value, promote your expertise as a way to increase that know, like and trust that leads to personal and business growth.

You Can Signup Using This Button


We used to meet in a 15th Century Grade II listed building in a rural setting, now we meet online

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